Monday, January 19, 2009


On Saturday, Ryan and I made homemade doughnuts...a recipe from Alton Brown. It wasn't difficult, just time consuming. (We started making them at 7 a.m. and didn't eat them until 10:30 a.m.!) We really had fun making them. During the process we weren't sure if they were going to be worth eating. But when it was all done, they were the best doughnuts that Ryan and I have ever eaten! Yes, you read that right...even better than Shipley's! Needless to say, we will not be making them every Saturday, but maybe once a month! We took a few pictures to remember the occasion!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I just signed up to ask if you would so kindly share that doughnut recipe?!? I have been wanting to make doughnuts with my DD's for some time now but have been apprehensive. Yours look so good I am willing to give it a whirl!

Dee Anne Lane said...

It was not hard but it did take some time. The recipe is on under Alton Brown's recipes. It is the only doughnut recipe that he has. The two glazes are also on their, too. Both are Alton Brown recipes. Let me know if you have any questions!