On Monday we went to Dallas to get Jonathan's new hat! It is called a Doc Band and is used on children who have plagiocephaly (or misshapened head). There are many things that can cause it such as back sleeping, no tummy time or in-utero. We believe Jonathan's problem began before he was born.
With all of that being said...we are so excited to have the hat. And he is doing just fantastic with it! He actually likes to have it on! That's a good thing since he will have to wear it 23 hours a day! He just looks so cute. Our little man...
On Saturday, Ryan and I made homemade doughnuts...a recipe from Alton Brown. It wasn't difficult, just time consuming. (We started making them at 7 a.m. and didn't eat them until 10:30 a.m.!) We really had fun making them. During the process we weren't sure if they were going to be worth eating. But when it was all done, they were the best doughnuts that Ryan and I have ever eaten! Yes, you read that right...even better than Shipley's! Needless to say, we will not be making them every Saturday, but maybe once a month! We took a few pictures to remember the occasion!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we are enjoying the New Year! Jonathan is finally walking by himself...everywhere! At 17 mos. he just took off. He is trying to run, but just doesn't have the stability to do it with ease. I have included pictures of the Holidays. (Wendy--I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post. I will do my best not to let it happen again!)